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The Wavell School


 'Be Proud to Achieve' 

All students are allocated, by Tutor Group, to one of the four houses based on the theme of 'the four elements',

Aqua Ignis Mistral Terra

Aqua, Ignis, Mistral and Terra

Click on the logos to see their latest House News

Students compete throughout the year in House challenges and competitions along with earning individual Housepoints for achievement, effort and contribution in all aspects of school life.  See all the current Rewards Prizes available here...

Current Whole School Housepoint Totals 

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

2023-24 Winners: TERRA

Archive of House Cup Winners

2023-24 Winners: TERRA

2022-23 Winners: TERRA

2021-22 Winners: IGNIS

2020-21 Winners: MISTRAL

2019-20 Winners: MISTRAL

2018-19 Winners: MISTRAL

 2017-18 Winners: IGNIS

 2016-17 Winners: IGNIS

 2015-16 Winners: AQUA

 2014-15 Winners: AQUA

History of the Houses

When the school opened in 1970 there were three Houses with the theme of constellations; Aquila, Dorado and Orion.

These were replaced in 1984 by Greek Mythology with Spartans, Trojans and Athenians

Due to the increasing number of students at the School it was necessary to move to a four House system in 2014 which still remains today.