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The Wavell School

Road Safety

Road Safety is a priority at the Wavell. It is taught as part of our PSHE curriculum by Tutors as well as via external speakers where possible.

This page contains information and links to help parents reinforce the teaching at home.

Road Safety PowerPoint used by Tutors

How to Use the Lynchford Road Crossing

Bike Safety Powerpoint used by Tutors

Why Wear a Cycle Helmet?

Teaching Cycle Safety

Cycle safety

Did you know it is illegal to cycle after sunset without the correct lights on your bicycle and you may receive a fixed penalty notice? With the dark nights closing in, it may be worth checking you have the following:

- One front light which is white

- One rear light which is red

- One rear reflector which is red

- Two amber reflectors on each pedal

Useful Links

The following websites have useful information and resources to help teach young people about Road Safety.