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The Wavell School

Healthy Schools

The Wavell is pleased to have been awarded Healthy Schools status.

Healthy Schools


The 4 main themes of the scheme are:


We have revised the PSHE programme to bring some kudos to the subject of health and wellbeing, by bringing in more outside speakers on subjects such as Drug and Sex education, Homelessness and focusing on Healthy Eating and exercise. The lessons are now taught through multimedia, role-play and games. Citizenship and the students role in the community is a much higher focus, as is the role of the Student Council, who now have representatives in the local North Camp Matters group and the Mayors Student Council.  We have set up a Parents evening on Drugs education with the assistance of the local police.

 Health in PSHE curriculum and wider school impact: a rationale


The school involves itself in charity events throughout the year. Recent events include raising over £4000 for local charity, The Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice with our annual Christmas Fun Run.

We have a peer-mentoring programme set up with the help of Year 11 Prefects for different year groups to support each other. Students help run the major events in the school such as Prize Giving Evening where students present the prizes to their peers in front of governors, staff and parents as well as Induction Day and primary liaison visits. We have developed a post of International teacher and developed training for staff with regards to our multicultural intake of students. The Shakespeare Schools Festival is a major force in pulling together students from all year groups and different peer groups to support each other and work together for a common goal.


Safety is taught within the PSHE programme with a particular focus on Road Safety, Stranger Danger, Internet and phone (texting) safety.

We have a strong recycling policy which involves the recycling of all our printer ink cartridges, as well as all paper used in the classrooms. We have gained the silver award from ECO Schools for our efforts and are currently working hard towards achieving Gold!

Environmental issues are covered in a wide range of the curriculum including Science, Geography, RE and Design Technology.

There is a new Staff Environment Committee working on ways in which to improve the environment we all work in but also our carbon footprint. A Student Environment Committee is being set up to work alongside this to encourage the development of environmentally conscious citizens.



This area is also covered in the PSHE programme, with specific lessons on Mental Health, Work/play ratio and managing stress. Anti bullying techniques are discussed in lessons with the aid of Connexions and Kidscape DVDs. We have a strong Pastoral Support Team at the Wavell, with each year having a Director of Students.

The Anti-bullying Policy has been revised after an extensive survey of the students, evaluation from the school council and feedback by the Deputy Head teacher in assemblies. Discrimination is tackled within the curriculum in RE and PSHE with lessons on gender and race. RRR (Rights, Respect and Responsibility) are intrinsic to the school's ethos and curriculum using the five points of 'Every Child Matters' as its benchmark. 



The school council was intrinsically part of the interview process and ultimately the change of the canteen to its current owners Hampshire Education Catering. The food has vastly improved its choices and these are fundamentally healthy options. There are no fizzy drinks available and chips are served once a week only. The vending machines have been removed and a cold-water dispenser installed in the hall and in 2 staff areas.

Healthy Eating is promoted through the PSHE programme in lessons as well as through The Food Technology department which has set up; the Junk food Roadshow, introducing year 7s to cooking healthy snacks and showing them what is actually in their burgers and fish and chip suppers. Healthy eating within its schemes of work teaches all years how to eat a more balanced diet, eat less salt and processed food and be aware of preservatives and additives.



Within the Healthy living lessons in PSHE, the importance of exercise and fitness is reinforced. The students are encouraged to walk and cycle to school and through the School Travel Plan the bike storage area has been relocated and made more secure.

The staff also play an active role in exercise by playing sport on a Friday after school and have free access to the onsite gym facilities.