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The Wavell School

Anti-bullying - Our commitment

“Students enjoy coming to school and they thrive in a community where they feel exceptionally safe, well cared for and supported.” (Ofsted)

The Wavell Community rejects all forms of bullying. We will make sure that everyone in our school community knows that they have the right to feel safe regardless of their background, colour, age, race, appearance, sexual orientation or ability.  We will speak out if we have a concern about our own or someone else’s safety and comfort.  We will ask everyone to help create an environment in which we can work and learn safely.

All forms of bullying are treated extremely seriously.  The Wavell School commits itself to a programme of prevention and to prompt investigation and effective action when such incidents occur.

The Wavell School Pastoral Team commits itself to taking action as soon as reasonably possible once an incident of bullying has been reported.  This will mean that some action will be taken ON THE SAME DAY.

Anti-Bullying Policy

Prejudicial Language and Behaviour Guidance for Parents/Carers

For more information and advice on bullying please visit the Hampshire Anti-Bullying Site