Join the Year 10 Parents' Facebook group, a private online community, source of information, support and contact with the school.

Year 10
This page contains key curriculum information and documents for the parents and carers of students in the current Year 10.
All Curriculum pages are updated annually during the Autumn Term.
Year 10 Key Dates 2024-25
Thursday 19th September |
Year 10 Partnership Evening |
Thursday 24th April | Year 10 Parents' Evening |
4 Weeks Commencing 2nd June | Year 10 Exams |
Week Commencing 14th July | Results Issued |
*All dates are subject to change. Please refer to Wavellmails for up-to-date information
Partnership Evening 19th September 2024
Relationships and Sex Education Programme 2024-25
Year 10 Curriculum Information
- Art
- Child Development
- Computer Sciences
- Creative iMedia
- Dance
- Drama
- Design & Technology
- Engineering Programmable Systems
- English
- Food
- French
- Geography
- German
- History
- Heath & Social Care
- Mathematics
- Music
- Photography
- Religious Studies
- Combined Science
- Triple Science
- Sociology
- Spanish
- PE
Updated 18.09.24
Join the Year 10 Parents' Facebook group, a private online community, source of information, support and contact with the school.