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The Wavell School

Extra Curricular Activities

“An extensive programme of extra-curricular activities and community projects that provide many opportunities for students from different backgrounds and of different ages to interact and work together.” (Ofsted)

We strongly believe that a vital part of a child’s education includes providing and encouraging students to partake in a varied and comprehensive range of Extra-Curricular Activities; these therefore form a large part of life at The Wavell.

We are proud to provide activities for our students such as:

The PE Faculty also runs a large number of successful teams for all ages and abilities

In addition to this the Music Department runs a varied programme of extra curricular activities, such as the School Band and the School Choir

Click Here to view this Term's Extra Curricular Timetables

Please note:

It is the students' responsibility to inform parents of the time at which they need collecting from School after a fixture or club and of cancellations.

This is particularly important with PE fixtures as the days and times differ due to the locations therefore students may return from school anywhere between 4:30 and 6.30pm

Students will be told the details by the relevant member of staff prior to the event. If necessary students are able to call parents from reception regarding collection arrangements.

Applied Learning Opportunities and Trips

A special feature of The Wavell School is the number and variety of activities, trips and residential visits that are offered to our students we call them “Applied Learning Opportunities”(ALOs). There are cultural and educational trips to France, Germany, Greece, Spain and Japan.  A range of residential and non-residential excursions are offered to students from Year 7 to Year 11. 

In order for students to be able to attend extra-curricular activities, we need to ensure that we have all necessary medical and contact details. Once this form is completed, the details can be stored and used for any trip, function, event or activity during the year without parents/carers having to fill in an additional medical form. Parents will of course be asked to consent to your child participating in any activities.

Medical Information and Contact Details Form