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The Wavell School

School Meals

The Wavell Café

The Wavell Café is open for our students at break and lunchtime as well as before school from 8am for breakfast. The Café uses a Biometric Payment System which means that students need to deposit money into their accounts before being able to make their purchases. We have two up-loading machines in school where students can deposit their money; alternatively, you may wish to access our on-line payment service SCOPAY. 

If you have a food allergy, food intolerance or coeliac disease and wish to order a meal please inform student reception in the morning before P1. We will be more than happy to provide you with a full list of ingredients used in all our dishes on request so that you can make an informed decision on what to eat. 

 04.07.22 Allergens

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Packed Lunches

Students may also bring their own packed food to eat during break and lunchtimes. 

All students are expected to stay on site for break and lunch. Lunchtime passes are only available to very special cases if you want your child to go home for lunch, i.e. medical reasons.

Students must not eat or drink in classrooms or corridors at any time. All food must currently be taken to be eaten outside or under one of our three canopies.  

All students are encouraged to bring a clear water bottle which can be filled at the water points around the school. 

We are a 'Nut Free' School and request that nuts products are not brought in packed lunches as we have staff and students who are allergic to nuts and could become seriously unwell if they were to come into contact .

Chewing gum and soft drinks are also forbidden.

We ask that all litter is placed in the bins provided. 

Free School Meals (FSM) 

Online “Free School Meal” Eligibility Checking

Hampshire County Council Catering Services (HC3S) has an online service so parents can check their eligibility for free school meals themselves.

This self-service option is available here


Please note that the criteria for free school meals is the same, regardless of method of checking eligibility, but for the online service, all you need to do is enter your name, national insurance number or asylum number, your address and your child’s details. Press ‘submit’ and you will find out if you are eligible.
If your result comes back ‘found’, this means your child is eligible for free meals and the system automatically tells your school. No more hassle in digging out paperwork and going into school to get it checked!

For more information, check out the web address above, or phone Sue Martin on 023 8062 7738.