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The Wavell School

 Welcome to PE


PE PE Curriculum

Through PE lessons and extra-curricular activities, the school’s sporting aims are:

  • to develop each student’s physical potential
  • to develop physical fitness through a range of activities that exercise the whole body
  • to develop students’ understanding and knowledge of a wide range of sports
  • to develop an understanding of aesthetic movement and creative expression
  • to develop students’ social skills through fair play, coping with success and failure, appreciating the strengths and weaknesses of themselves and others, and working within group and team situations
  • to encourage students’ enjoyment of physical activities
  • to ensure that students appreciate the importance of their own and others’ safety through the correct use of technique, clothing, equipment and safety procedures
  • to encourage students to lead a healthy lifestyle by promoting opportunities for their involvement in physical activities outside the school.

House Sport

House competitions run throughout the year covering many of the sports offered in lessons. These activities will take place either Lunch time (12.40-1.20) or after school (3.30 – 4.30).  Students of all ability ranges are encouraged to take part.  The House Captains collect prizes and trophies in Rewards Assemblies.

For further details of the curriculum for each year in PE click on the Year group button below:

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11

Extra-curricular Clubs and Activities

PE Clubs  &  Fixtures can be found on the Weekly Wave

All details are also updated on the PE Noticebaord in School for the students.

Please note:

It is the students' responsibility to inform parents of the time at which they need collecting from School after a fixture and of cancellations.

This is particularly important with PE fixtures as the days and times differ due to the locations therefore students may return from school anywhere between 4:30 and 6.30pm

Students will be told the details by the relevant member of staff prior to the event. If necessary students are able to call parents from reception regarding collection arrangements.

PE Uniform

Details of the Wavell PE Uniform can be found here...

PE Kit

  British Values in PE at the Wavell School

 PE Book List