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The Wavell School

Wavell Campus Leisure offers a range of facilities for hire for all types of functions and events. We have various halls, classrooms and sporting areas for hire and on application, are able to adapt and accommodate each individual enquiry.

“We're really pleased that we chose to run our courses at your venue, they're all going really well and the campus and hall have everything we need, so thank you.”

The Swing Dance Company

Wavell Campus Leisure are pleased to announce that Guest Wi-Fi is now available.

Customers wishing to run courses can now access Guest Wi-Fi with prior arrangement with the Campus Manager.

We charge a one off set-up fee of £10 per session, plus £1 per additional user.

Long-term Campus customers wishing to access the Wi-Fi on a regular basis can do so with a one off fee of £15 per year with a £1 charge for any additional users who wish to be added.

Please contact the Campus office for further information on 01252 317603. 

If you are interested in hiring any of our facilities listed, please Contact Us.


One off bookings can be made by completing and sending us the following form:

Event Booking Form

For regular bookings please contact us.


Price List 

Current Price List


Please note that Wavell Campus Leisure is a no smoking site. The use or charging of electronic cigarettes on site is not permitted.


 No dogs are permitted on the site at any time.