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The Wavell School

Year 10 Sociology

GCSE Sociology


The topic areas include the Sociology of Families, Education, Crime and Deviance and Social Stratification. For each topic area students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of relevant research methods and methodological issues. They must also use sociological theories and evidence to compare and contrast social issues, construct reasoned arguments and debates, make substantiated judgements and draw conclusions. Both papers are divided into two sections. Section A has two multiple choice questions followed by a range of short and extended responses. Section B has two multiple choice questions followed by a range of short and extended responses.

Specification at a glance

Exam Board: AQA

Specification Code: 8192






Unit 1: The Sociology of Families and Education




1 hour 45 mins 



Summer of Year 11


Students will be expected to draw on knowledge and understanding of the entire course of study to show a deeper understanding of the topics studied; Social Theory, Families, Education, Crime and Deviance and Social Stratification.

Unit 2: The Sociology of Crime and Deviance and Social Stratification




1 hour 45 mins 



Summer of Year 11

What will my child study during Year 10?

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

The sociological approach

Social theory and methods

The sociology of families

The sociology of education

The sociology of crime


The students will learn the following elements:

  • Learn about the work of key sociologists
  • Become familiar with important sociological ideas
  • Learn about the different perspectives sociologists bring to their work including Marxism, feminism, interactionism and functionalism
  • Become familiar with and know how to use a variety of sociological research methods
  • Understand what sociology can tell us about selected social structures, processes and issues including families and education.

How will my child be assessed and how will I know how well they are doing in Sociology in Year 10?

  • Each topic will end with a formal written assessment using past examination questions from AQA
  • Students will complete a weekly skills test to improve recall and exam skills
  • There will be a formal assessment at the end of year 10 in the Sports Hall which will comprise of a whole GCSE paper on all topics studied this year. The results of this will be reported to parents.
  • Students will receive feedback on their classwork and assessments and will have the opportunity to respond to that feedback.
  • Parents will be invited to a parent consultation evening and will receive reports throughout the year as per the Wavell School reporting schedule.

What homework will my child be expected to do in Year 10 in Sociology?

  • Students will complete one homework per week approximately 40 minutes in length. Homework’s are designed to improve thinking skills, examination technique, recall and reinforcement of previous learning.

How can I support my child to do well in Sociology during Year 10?

  • Ensure they complete their homework properly
  • Support them by ensuring they have somewhere suitable to work, away from distractions but with online access to the textbook etc.
  • Buy a revision guide (order forms available to download via this website)
  • Support them to revise and prepare properly for each test.

My child is struggling during the course, what additional help is available to help them keep up?

  • After school revision sessions will be available.
  • Revision books can be purchased to assist with understanding.
  • Students should be encouraged to seek assistance from their teacher when they are struggling with any concept.

Updated September 2023