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The Wavell School

Year 10 Photography

GCSE Photography


The course begins immediately in the September of Year 10 and consists of at least one large scale, sustained project and a collection of smaller units/ single piece items. All of this will be presented as a Portfolio of Work to the examiner. Subject matter will be taken from many different sources including:

  1. Close Up/Macro
  2. Portrait/Human Figure
  3. Mock Exam Project (Focus on skills and knowledge).

The Portfolio will contain:

PowerPoints/Folders/Sketchbooks. Containing ideas, research, experimentations, annotations, drawings and observations. These are a vital part of the course, and make up approximately 75% of the mark awarded.

Main pieces. Accompanied by research and planning in the Sketchbooks - these could be a photographic print or a photograph worked into using other artistic mediums.

Specification at a glance

Exam Board: AQA 

Specification Code: 8206







Component 1 - NEA

(Non-Exam Assessment)







No time limit


Portfolio selected from work undertaken during course 


Centre assessed and moderated by AQA - marks submitted May of Year 11


Component 2 - Exam

(Externally set assignment)






8 – 10 weeks leading to the 10 hour ‘exam’


Material released by AQA in January of Year 11


Sustained focused study – unlimited preparation time

What will my child study during Year 10?

  • Macro / Close Up, including digital research, physical ‘drawing’, taking and editing images.
  • Portrait, including digital research, physical ‘drawing’, taking and editing images.

How will my child be assessed and how will I know how well they are doing in Photography in Year 10?

  • Each project with be assessed using the 4 Assessment objectives. (AO1 – Develop ideas through investigation, demonstrating critical understanding of sources. AO2 –Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes. AO3 – Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses. AO4 – Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.)
  • Written feedback on post-it / books
  • Satchel:One has tick lists and help sheets
  • The Year 10 Mock exam is a set of tasks to show understanding and skills, alongside an extended task to take images and show a mixture of editing skills.

What homework will my child be expected to do in Year 10 in Photography?

  • Students will be given homework every week
  • It will take between 30mins and an hour
  • Homework’s are a mixture of research tasks and completion tasks
  • Students will need access to the internet and basic Art equipment

How can I support my child to do well in Photography during Year 10?

  • Support by checking work on Satchel:One and encouraging them to attend enhancement afternoons / days

My child is struggling during the course, what additional help is available to help them keep up?

  • Expectation to attend catch-up sessions and pro-active during lessons to seek support

Updated July 2023