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The Wavell School

Year 10 Geography

GCSE Geography


The Geography AQA specification consists of four components:

  • Living with the physical environment
  • Challenges in the human environment
  • Geographical applications
  • Geographical skills

Specification at a glance

Exam Board: AQA

Specification Code: 8035


 Summary of Assessment




Living with the physical environment


External Examination – Paper 1



What's assessed

3.1.1 The challenge of natural hazards, 3.1.2 Physical landscapes in the UK, 3.1.3 The living

world, 3.4 Geographical skills



• Section A: answer all questions (33 marks)

• Section B: answer all questions (25 marks)

• Section C: answer any two questions from questions 3,4 and 5 (30 marks)

Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose



1 Hour 30 minutes





Challenges in the human environment


External Examination – Paper 2



What's assessed

3.2.1 Urban issues and challenges, 3.2.2 The changing economic world, 3.2.3 The challenge of

resource management, 3.4 Geographical skills



• Section A: answer all questions (33 marks)

• Section B: answer all questions (30 marks)

• Section C: answer question 3 and one from questions 4, 5 or 6 (25 marks)

Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose



1 Hour 30 minutes




Geographical applications




External Examination – Paper 3



What's assessed

3.3.1 Issue evaluation, 3.3.2 Fieldwork, 3.4 Geographical skills




• Section A: answer all questions (37 marks)

• Section B: answer all questions (39 marks)

• Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose


• Pre-release resources made available 12 weeks before Paper 3 exam.




1 Hour



What will my child study during Year 10?




Winter Term

Living World

  • Ecosystems

Small scale ecosystems

Ecosystem change

  • Tropical Rainforest Characteristics





  • Tropical Rainforest Management

Causes of deforestation

Effects of deforestation

Sustainable Management of forests (selective logging, conservation, tourism, debt relief)

  • Hot Deserts





  • Thar Desert case study

Development opportunities

Challenges of Development

  • Desertification

Causes of desertification

Strategies to reduce the effects of desertification

AQA Geography 9-1 text

Pages 52-76


Kerboodle online resources and revision quizzes.



Spring Term

Changing Economic World

  • Global variations

Classifying Countries

Measuring development

Causes of the development gap

Solutions to the development gap

Tourism and development

  • Nigeria Case Study

Location and context

Industrial structure

Role of TNCs in development

Effects of development on  Quality of Life

  • UK Economic Future

Cause of deindustrialisation

Post industrialisation

Environmental impact of industry

Infrastructure investment (road / rail / airport)

North / South divide

Global links

AQA Geography 9-1 text

Pages 194-250


Kerboodle online resources and revision quizzes.



Summer Term

UK Landscapes

  • UK physical landscape
  • Rivers (physical geography)

Long and Cross profile

Fluvial processes

Erosion Landforms (waterfalls)

Erosion and deposition landforms (meanders)

Deposition landforms (Levees)

  • Rivers (flooding and flood management)

Factors affecting flooding


Flood management

Hard engineering

Soft engineering

Jubilee River example of flood management


AQA Geography 9-1 text

Pages 114-130


Kerboodle online resources and revision quizzes.



How will my child be assessed and how will I know how well they are doing in Geography in Year 10?

  • Each topic has an end of unit assessment of between 25 and 33 marks. These are based on AQA sample papers and marked to GCSE standard.  Students are given a mark and an indication of the grade that would be awarded if this question was answered in a GCSE.
  • Students are given an indication of how well they are doing in relation to their progress banding and are given areas where they can focus to further develop skills and focus future revision.
  • These end of unit test, combined with the teacher’s assessment of classwork and homework, form the basis of the reports sent home
  • The year 10 mock examined all of the topics covered above.

What homework will my child be expected to do in Year 10 in Geography?

Students will be set weekly homework that they will be expected to spend around 1 hour completing. The homework will be a variety of tasks that will primarily be:

  • Completion of classwork with further research and note-making
  • Completion of past GCSE questions
  • Revision for tests
  • Online revision/quizzes using sites such as Kerboodle

How can I support my child to do well in Geography during Year 10?

  • Ensure they complete their homework properly
  • Support them by ensuring they have somewhere suitable to work, away from distractions but with online access to the textbook etc.
  • Buy a revision guide (order forms available to download via this website) and encourage the use of moderated subject revisions website including Kerboodle
  • Support them to revise and prepare properly for each test

My child is struggling during the course, what additional help is available to help them keep up?

  • Students should be encouraged to seek assistance from their teacher when they are struggling with any concept.
  • Students can access the digital textbooks to help with revision and catch-up.
  • After school revision sessions have been run in Year 10 and will be available in Year 11.
  • Revision books can be purchased to assist with understanding.
  • Students have access to the Kerboodle learning platform which have a range of resources to help boost understanding.

 Updated September 2023