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The Wavell School

Year 10 Child Development

Cambridge National in Child Development


Health and well-being for Child Development, the equipment and nutritional needs of children and the development of a child.

Specification at a glance

Exam Board: OCR Cambridge National

Specification Code: J809






Written Paper

(Unit 1 - R057)

Health and well-being for Child Development



60 Guided Learning Hours

Exam - 1 Hour 15 Minutes

 Spring and Summer of Year 11

 This Unit is externally assessed by means of a written exam in May/June 2026.


(Unit 2 - R058) Create a safe environment and understand the nutritional needs of children




 30 Guided Learning Hours

 Throughout Year 10

Internally assessed and externally moderated in the Summer of 2025.


(Unit 3 – R059)

The development of a child




 30 Guided Learning Hours

Summer of Year 10 and Autumn of Year 11

Internally assessed and externally moderated in the Summer of 2026.

What will my child study during Year 10?

In Child Development, students will complete the first piece of NEA (R058) and start the second piece of NEA (R059).

Key Ideas Covered

1st Term

2nd Term

3rd Term


Topic Area 1: Creating a safe environment in a childcare setting

  • Plan to create a safe environment
  • Types of accidents
  • Risk assessments
  • Preventing accidents


Topic Area 3: Nutritional needs of children

  • Government dietary recommendations
  • Essential nutrients and their functions
  • Weaning

Plan, prepare and evaluate a bottle feed


Submit R058 NEA



Topic Area 1: Physical, intellectual and social developmental norms from 0-5 years

  • Expected development norms

Topic Area 2: Stages and types of play and how play benefits development

  • The stages of play
  • The types of play
  • The benefits of play




Topic Area 2: Choosing suitable equipment for a childcare setting

  • Essential equipment and factors for choice
  • Travelling equipment
  • Feeding equipment
  • Sleeping equipment
  • Changing equipment
  • Indoor and outdoor playing



Topic Area 2: Stages and types of play and how play benefits development

  • The stages of play
  • The types of play
  • The benefits of play

Topic Area 3: Observe the development of a child aged 0-5 years

  • Methods of observation
  • Methods of recording
  • How to use findings from an observation

How will my child be assessed and how will I know how well they are doing in Child Development in Year 10?

Throughout the year Mrs Smith will monitor the preparation work for the NEA. When individual NEA tasks are completed, students will be told the mark they have received.  Grades are not given at this stage, as work still has to be moderated by the exam board. Parents will be aware of current progress due to the publication of Progress Reviews and attendance at Parent’s Evening.

The first NEA unit (R058) will be completed during Year 10, internally marked and then submitted to the exam board for external moderation.  Students will receive their grade for this unit of NEA in August 2025.

What homework will my child be expected to do in Year 10 in Child Development?

Students may need to carry out research to help their NEA work.

How can I support my child to do well in Child Development during Year 10?

  • Ensure they complete their homework properly
  • Support them by ensuring they have somewhere suitable to work, away from distractions
  • Buy a revision guide (order forms available to download via this website)
  • Support them to revise and prepare properly for each test
  • Remind them to keep to NEA deadlines, and support attendance NEA catch up sessions should it be necessary.

My child is struggling during the course, what additional help is available to help them keep up?

  • After school catch up sessions are available.
  • Revision books can be purchased to assist with understanding.
  • Students should be encouraged to seek assistance from their teacher when they are struggling with any work

 Updated September 2024