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The Wavell School

Please note our Health and Safety Procedures when visiting the School.


The Wavell operates a ONE-WAY SYSTEM during all opening hours and School events. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated to ensure safe and smooth flow of traffic around the site.

Please be aware that when a school is hosting a large event the one-way system may be altered in order to best manage traffic on site.  On these occasions, signage and/or marshals will be used to direct traffic.


Details about the methods of student transport to School can be found here...


How to find us

The school is located on the southern edge of Farnborough, adjacent to the aerospace site and between the A325 and A331.

Map of Wavell

Approaching from the North (via motorway or A331)

  • Leave the M3 at junction 4 and join the A331, signposted Guildford.
  • After approximately 2 miles, leave the A331 and follow signs to Farnborough A3011.
  • Take the third exit at first roundabout, which takes you over the A331.
  • At the next roundabout, take the first exit into Lynchford Road.
  • Carry on along Lynchford Road, past the shops and through a pedestrian crossing.
  • At the next roundabout, take the second exit.
  • The school entrance is on the left, immediately after the fire station.


Approaching from the South on the A325

  • Follow signs to Farnborough on the A325.
  • At the 'Queens Roundabout', (at which you will see the Holiday Inn),take the third exit. You are now in Lynchford Road.
  • At the next roundabout, take the 5th exit to effectively do a U-turn. The school entrance is on the left, immediately past the Fire Station.


Approaching from the South on the A331

  • Going North on the A331, take the exit signposted Farnborough A3011.
  • At the roundabout , take the 2nd exit into Lynchford Road.
  • Carry on along Lynchford Road, past the shops and through a pedestrian crossing.
  • At the next roundabout, take the second exit.
  • The school entrance is on the left, immediately after the fire station.