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The Wavell School

Governing Body

"The governing body provides committed and enthusiastic support. Governors are well informed and actively engaged in school life." (Ofsted)

Structure of the Governing Body

The Wavell School has a caring and dedicated Governing Body. It is Chaired by Major Jason Murdoch and made up of:

      2 parent governors
      1 local authority governor
      1 headteacher
      1 staff governor
     11 co-opted governors

The Full Governing Body meets 10-11 times each year. Through discussion, monitoring, challenge and support the Governing Body works in partnership with the School’s Senior Leadership Team to improve the outcomes of all of its students. 

Governors can be contacted via the School and a detailed breakdown of their roles and pecuniary interests can be viewed on the Governor Details webpage.

 Governors with specific appointments:

•  Chair of Governors : Major Jason Murdoch
•  Vice Chair of Governors : Kate James
•  Development and Training Governor and WGB Training: Karen Gilbert
•  Forum Reps : Jason Murdoch and Kate James

10th November 2023